7th Wave Media

Why do financial professionals need to utilize email marketing?

✅ Did you know that there are more than 5 billion email accounts in the world today, with 332 billion emails sent each and every day?!

✅ When it comes to communicating with clients and nurturing new prospects, financial professionals have a variety of avenues to choose from.

✅ Email campaigns should be chief among them – if not your #1 method of outreach.

 For instance, studies show that for every $1 invested in email marketing yields a $44 return on investment.

✅ And 90% of consumers surveyed say they prefer to receive company newsletters via email compared to via social media.

✅ But too many financial planners, advisors, mortgage lenders, and business owners fail to take full advantage email marketing, turning their back on a valuable opportunity for business growth and income.

✅ So, today I wanted to offer a few interesting stats and facts to encourage you to fine tune your email marketing strategy.

✅ Watch this short video and download the one-page PDF for more info and best practices.

Email me at norm@7thwavemedia.com

Or Direct Message me.

I’m always happy to help!

-Norm Schriever
President, 7th Wave Media

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